This morning I went for a walk so I could stare at the sun. I am concerned about SAD here in the land of overcast. I feel it is important to chase the sun and get it to beam directly into my open eyes--if and when it makes an appearance. After my sun worship and brisk walk I concentrated on some work I had to do back at my digs.
I sat at the computer for six hours all together. I had to stop when I realized my fingers where stiff with cold (sounds very Dickins-ian doesn't it?). That is when the penny dropped, "I understand why they drink so much tea here." It is very cold -
BOOM - all of a sudden. One moment you are barely able to breathe on the tube because its so hot, the next you are happily snuggling between the woman with shopping bags and the man reading The Evening Standard.
Needless to say, I have been unable to figure out how to turn on the heat in the temporary abode. So, my only recourse is extra sweaters (not that I have many because they are all on some ship somewhere), socks to bed and lots and lots of herb tea. Today, I go so cold I just started to drink hot water with lemon, because I could not face more tea.