Saturday, March 21, 2009

Loo of the Year

How can you top this? This is a sign in the park across the street from Lord's Cricket Ground at the south end of St. Johns Wood. ONly in London would they have a Loo of the Year competition. Cannot tell what year by the way.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Very delayed

well I think I should just assume that I am not going to post in the winter. That way once spring comes along I can post and feel good and not shamed into the posting world.

This winter was weird, I think (despite my endless complaining) I got used to the dark dank days of winter in the UK. I did have a good trip to SF in February and of course it was sunny and lovely as was the trip to Florida in January. After writing all that I realised that I can't really complain as I spent at least three weeks AWAY from London and the winter weather.

Meanwhile I had some odder issues, which have now been diagnosed as gall stones. After some exciting moments involving the Accident and Emergency room at the Royal Free, I find I need to have the gall bladder removed. All of which means that I will have loads of time over the next couple of weeks to post and catch up with everyone.

So sorry for the long delay and I hope to be a posting fiend in recovery.