Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Perigueux getaway

This is the house I stayed in near Perigueux which is in the Dordogne region, sort of southwest France. The house belongs to a British friend who lives in San Francisco. Her family bought it in the 1970s and have slowly made it habitable - Its VERY habitable now. Lovely Lovely Lovely.

As my friend's husband said, the big effort of the day was moving from the upper terrace, where we've had a lovely breakfast, down to the lower terrace for lunch. Lots of wine and cheese.

My friends have two boys and I'm really trying to ingratiate myself with all of the offsprings of my friends so I will be invited back to family holidays - "We love Sian!" Anyway, we played backgammon, Battleship, carved spears and arrows out of wood, got grossed out by slugs, went swimming in the pond, went fishing and generally had a good time.

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