Monday, September 10, 2007

Cardiff Bay

Very behind in my blogging so sorry. My visit to Cardiff for last sunmmer Bank holiday was very fun. I staid at a lovely hotel on the Cardiff Bay which has changed a great deal. They've built a barrier which keep the bay's huge tidal reach in check so the water no longer drops down to the mud twice a day which make the bay a lovely new site for all sorts of things like my hotel - the St. David.

This is a picture from my balcony (each room has one) on Saturday evening. The weather was lovely, they knew how to pronouce my name and I didn't have to spell it when I checked in -- remarkable!


Anonymous said...

fantastic - you're back! I know exactly how you feel about correct pronunciation of your name - I felt it too when I moved back home after living in Atlanta:)

Pictures are beautiful and your hotel looks like a cousin of the Burg Al habi (or whatever) from Dubai. Does it feel like you are floating? I wonder why something like this has never caught on here.

Maybe you can expand a little on the tidal barrier - sounds fascinating.

Anonymous said...

I want to go there, just so some one can see my name on a piece of paper and I don't have to tell them how to pronounce it or say,"my parents are Welsh"

Sian said...

Hmm, Ali, I'll find out more about the tidal barrier and write more about it. Ceri, it was a real joy.