Saturday, September 30, 2006

A completely untethered existence

At the risk of sounding ridiculous, I have just realized, this morning, that when I give my keys over this afternoon, I will not have ANY keys - not one. I've never not had keys!

Brynn and Lisa will take my car and house keys and disperse them to various folks - car keys to Jen, house and mailbox keys to the neighbors who are taking over my place. I'll give the office key fob to Sally to return for me and that's it. Poof! No keys, no home, no car, no cats, no responsibilities for at least 24 hours. A completely untethered existence.

If it weren't for the 130 boxes working their way towards Southampton and the two suitcases and a backpack tucked in my friends' closet, I guess I would be untethered. Lucky me.

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