These Brits do holidays (vacation days) right. At Easter, we take off Good Friday and Easter Monday. I can remember trying to get through the vacation desert beginning of the year in the US with nothing from MLK Day to Memorial Day all the way in May! Not so here, in February and March many folks went skiing and now there's two days holiday at Easter yippee.
So for my first slew of holiday days, I talked a friend of mine into traveling. My companion of the road suggested
Cornwall and driving around just to see things. It was excellent and I didn't take one picture. Oh, I'm sure I can dig up some links to pictures and places but the scenery was so great and the driving so perilous that I ignored the pictures and just enjoyed. Rugged cliffs, crashing seas, lambs gamboling across newly green fields, spiky hedgerows, unexpected daffodils, churches and villages; it was like being in an Agatha Christie novel without the dead bodies. I expected
Tommy and Tuppence to attempt to pass us on those tight hedgerow roads. It was a visual feast and not one I could be bothered to try and capture.