Friday, April 20, 2007

Special Greeting on the Celebration of my Birth

I have a history of REALLY celebrating my birthday... for a week. My friend Suz once accused me of making it the whole month. So I'm scaling back to just the week. But its a big week because its my parents wedding anniversary, my birthday, Queen Elizabeth's birthday, then my father's birthday - all in one week! So, of course, there is celebrating and phoning across the Atlantic, and singing into message machines the "Happy Birthday" song as terribly off key as you possibly can. I wonder if the Queen feels left out? Perhaps her relatives do the same thing.

Now that I think of it, I have been know as the queen of the world - QOTW for short - so perhaps I should have a special day all of my own which my subjects will celebrate as they will. Its good to be the queen.

1 comment:

jenifer lake said...

happy belated queenie!!