This weekend I found a petshop. Yay! Perhaps I should have looked for one before the cats arrived but I didn't. A friend told me about one in Highgate Village.
I won't bore you too long with the transit details but will tell you that the Northern line was partially closed, the 260 runs only on weekdays and C11 is not the most direct route to Highgate from Hampstead. I found the shop and had a little exploration of the village. After a nice a nice lunch I took my cat supplies (2 collars, a pet hair brush and a litter scoop) I returned home.
Don't read further if you are not a cat person...
Cat litter in the UK is like everything else, not quite the same as the US. On the plus side they sell it in packaging that it is possible to carry, even in SF they sold it in 309 pound bags - not transit friendly. The downside is that my first choice was really bad, it consisted of something called fullers earth. Which basically is dried clay. When you add cat pee to dried clay you get cat-pee-mudd. Which seems to be a very stupid idea: impossible to clean up and really useless even with the nice new litter scooper. So now I'm into crystals. The cats have been home by themselves all day and I hope the switch to crystals was not to sudden.
OK I promise no more cat-talk back to the city blog.