Monday, June 18, 2007

France - Bergerac Airport

Very exciting, my first Ryan air flight. VERY cheap airline that gets you from London to most small airports in Europe. This round trip ticket was something like 80GBPs, the actual flight was about 33, but takes were another 30 and then you have to pay to check a bag. But really astounding to me, is the fact that you walk across the Tarmac to get onand off the plane - it was all very Casablanca.

Truth is the flight wasn't bad but the luggage retrieval was a bit of a scrum - as all 200 passengers wait in a shed. the the bags come rolling down this ramp. Lots of impatient folks. Then customs was funny because most folks have EU passports until they get to me with my blue US passport (you start to notice passport colors here). The line come screeching to a halt, backing up behind me. "Where do you live?" She asks me in French, which oddly I understand but can only think of Estas-Unis, which looking back I'm still shocked I remembered. The lady then gives me that you are a dumb american look and says in English "where do you live." When I fianlly squeak out Great Britain, she sighs and walks over to a desk and stamps the hell out of my passport. Mean while the folks behind me are starting to wave pitch forks and exclaim there rights. The whole thing took about a minute but there is wine to be drunk and bread and cheese to be consumed...

Anyway, my friends were patiently waiting for me outside the shed and we went on our way.

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