I flew back in town today -- arrived at a stellar London airport on Sunday. It was sunny and warm the entire week in Mad Beach, family is all doing fine, thank you for asking. London is cold dark and dank. Not sure why I live here; oh yes, its a great job. Hmmm, may need to rethink my priorities and chuck it all in buy a boat and float around a la Travis Magee. Bonus points to anyone who remembers the name of his boat and sends in a comment!
Really was a great and relaxing visit, will dig up some photos and post at some point. Had a great catch up with My Friend Nancy Last-name-starts-with-a-Y-or-did-until-she-married-but-its-too-late-to-change-a-nickname--also known as MFNY. I have decided I can talk about my friends but only if I don't use a real name. Anyway, she brought me up to date with all the friends who didn't know I had moved: Cat Mag, Manker, Elise, etc. etc. Great to here all about every one's life and especailly see MFNY's giant wall O' Christmas card pictures. So many children!
Anyway, have a safe and Happy New Years celebration.
And Note to Ali - be nice to my English friend doing a tour of Florida; I think she needs Cuban coffee and perhaps some roast pork while she's in your fair city.
The Busted Flush, but you knew that (and I didn't, trivia games are not fun anymore with google at your fingertips).
and, by the way, World, Ali is my real name and I thought I was her friend:)
wish I was there! Too bad your picture didn't make it in!
Hooray! I'm famous! I made the blog! Glad you returned safely. It's 28 degrees F tonight. You took the warm weather with you, though I doubt it is in London!
happy new year siany sianerson!
Ali, just for the record first names are all true! Cannot believe you found all those pictures for New Years celebrations in the UK. Its very true they do get drunk a lot
hoorah for new macs, now we gotta figure out the ichat (like i need to remember to turn it on!) xxx.
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