I'm back in London and feeling slightly more grounded. As I mentioned in my last posts Tripoli was a surprise; picturesque and pleasant.
Getting back to the UK was a bit of a strain. As we entered the gate at Tripoli International Airport (TIP, for those of you collecting airport call letters) my British seatmate - flying back from six months at an oil field-- informed me that "we had no idea where we were going." After a perplexing moment I replied that I was going to London and hoped the plane we just boarded was headed that way as well. He then told me there had been an 'incident" at Heathrow and runways were closed.
Now, when a British person uses the word "incident" I try to remain calm. They are a remarkably understated group and it could mean anything from a neutron bomb detonation to a taxi cab run amok. Turned out to be an amazing save by a pilot who landed an 777 with no power by gliding (!!) it down. Virtually no injuries -- an amazing story.
Lots of emails flying back and forth between my friends from college; spurred by the death of our friend Thor. Since he was peripatetic, his friends from around the world have built a memorial site. I found this very strange in the beginning, slightly unseemly, which is odd if you think about it since I write to all my friends through an open blog. Ultimately, I have found the site quite comforting because it allows me to remember with a lot of others the hysterical life and death of Thor, the God of Thunder. Best of all there is a collection of his yearly letters which show you how funny and witty he really was.
I spent Sunday rooting around in my flat looking for photos from the mid 1980s when most of the Emory crew were still in Atlanta and found an great set of negatives from when I was taking black and white photos. The picture above is Thor posing for me. I don't remember subjecting my friends to this but apparently I did because there were a ton of black and white negatives from then.