Thursday, November 20, 2008

OMG, I've joined Facebook

My Friend Nancy Yost made me do it. She has wrangled a lot of old high School friends into it and I must say its been interesting. One overriding reason I didn't want to join was because it was something else to keep up with -- as you can see from the dates between blog posts, I'm not very good at keeping timely with all things digital. I find Facebook can be weirdly addictive, you spend a lot of time spelunking through the private lives of people you know, people you know and barely remember and other who are just taken with something about you. One guy wanted to be my friend because he wanted to know another Sian Llewellyn, his name is Shaun Llewellyn and he lives in Costa Rica. Others are just friends of Yost and mine that I used to go to school with. Interesting to catch up with some of them - others are readers of this blog and will know more about me than I care to share with al the world's strangers.

1 comment:

jenifer lake said...

oh! i'm a recent fb user too; i do love it! i've put you in and you didn't come up...friend me, i'm jenifer solomon-lake on there so old timeys can find me too via double name :) xxx.