Tough life day 5
Originally uploaded by sillewellyn.
Friday day
Really getting into the pool, beach scene now. I have my favourite chair, got the dance of the umbrella down so I can arrange to be in the shade all day. I am even on short sentence terms with the couple next to be on the chairs. Even got all resort-y and ordered a large bottle of water on ice delivered to my chair. It occurs to me that the biggest expense I will have occrued here is my water bill which will be massive. Anyway back to the lounger. Today I finished book three; magazine seven and even knocked off a few podcasts. Then in an act of desparation, I broke out the baby sweater I am trying to finish for a friend who had a baby in March. If I don't finish it soon the sweater will fit her teddy bear but not her. I could not get the curve right on the collar so I just kept ripping back then finally (EUREKA) it hit me how to do it and then it was smooth sailing until I ran out of yarn (drats!) back to books and magazines and laps in the pool.
Still no blackberry connection, in fact it now says "SOS" where the bars should be. I think that means that I will be able to make an emergency call not that I am in an emergency- will need to breakdown on hook up to internet at some point. but still operating under the it will go on without me assumption, as much as I hope it won't. Why is that?
Friday night
Still managed to have not burned myself to a crisp by the end of day 5. You really have to work to keep this level of pallor! Big Friday night here in the resort, I enjoyed the sea front again and had a glass of wine with dinner. I really never, never want to see another buffet when I'm done here.
Thursday afternoon
Met an American couple and their young son today. They are living in Cairo and come down to Sharm on weekend to get out of the city. It was nice chatting with them both and watching their 4-year old son splash around. I realised that other than waiters and the concierge I hadn't had a long conversation since lunch on Tuesday, oddly for someone as chatty as I am I really didn't miss the conversation. I suppose I might be finally relaxing. Now the days are going by too fast; when, on Monday, I was feeling a bit trapped. Like most things, getting to the halfway part takes some time and then it zips by on the downside.