Sarah's new front door (hopefully)
Originally uploaded by sillewellyn.
Last week, I went to south (pronounced "sowf" and north London is pronounced "norf") London to see my friend Sarah's (hopefully) new home. I say hopefully because buying a place to live in the UK is a long and onerous process. Found this place ages ago, did all her homework, made, offer, accepted, back and forthing now for MONTHS. I do not have her patience. Anyway, its super cute with a nice back garden we went there to speak with builders ---- so she may be getting close to possessing it!!!
Anyway, here she is at the front door saying, "I can't belive you are going to take another picture." But isn't it fun to have something almost yours. I remember both places I bought and how it felt to know that all those changes I made were mine. Hmmmm. maybe its time to settle down again and buy something.
or I could always just live vicariously...
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