Saturday, February 10, 2007

Who would buy this?

How's this for being out of touch; on this trip I discovered that one of my alma maters - the University of Florida (go gators) - has won the national football championship. Now, even I would have know this had I been in the country but it didn't cross my radar screen in the UK. Imagine my shock at the closing dinner for the conference on Wednesday night when the conversation turned to football (and here I am required to say American football) and what school did you go to and national champions. I'm shocked I didn't even have a clue they were in the running; especially since I only left the US in November.

But this entry is really about this commemorative Waterford crystal football, advertised at the Macy's in Tyrone Square Mall. I hope I am not offending any gentle readers - but who would buy this!? and why is it in crystal? there are really so many questions that this brings up, what are your questions?


Anonymous said...

To put on your fireplace mantle in your florida house, of course.

Anonymous said...

or in one of those cases with all your other crystal tchotkes...!

Anonymous said...

c'mon...I know you want a Florida Bull Gator a la Waterford as the centerpiece of your flat...resplendant with UF- Football-Fan-appropriate accompanying case of Budweiser.

Rachella said...

Perhaps this is a way to get women interested in football? A crystal football is so NAFF, though. Perhaps it's for granny football fans? It belongs on the shopping channel.