Sunday, March 02, 2008

Where does the time go?

Its March 2nd today and I feel like it was just February 2nd! How can it go by so fast - it was even a leap year so we got an extra day! Probably because I've had some friends passing through. Marcia and Bailey are visiting from San Fran. They arrived in London last Saturday and on Sunday I joined them for a short trip to Paris. I'm hoping to get some pictures to post from them because Marcia has a bitchin' new camera.

I took the usual badly focussed tourist pictures including this lovely night shot of Notre Dame. Best part was right after we took it we went in and watched a bit of mass being said (or is it performed?). There was a whole lot of incense; giant billowing clouds. Not exactly the same of the local anglican church here in leafy north London.

The weather was amazing on Sunday. We loafed around the city drinking wine from plastic cups--very bohemian. We stayed in the St. Germaine as lovely a place as you could ever hope to see. My last trip to paris was in 1999, so much had changed; for starters Notre Dame was no longer shrouded, but probably more importantly I could afford my own hotel room. Ah, the joys of aging and achieving more disposable income.

More later once I get some pics of Marcia!

1 comment:

jenifer lake said...

yes, more paris photos please :)

the package actually hit the p.o. today. heads up, it's coming to your work!