This is the iron work that surrounds one of the many castles or estates I have seen on my rambles around the city. pretty aggressively telling you that you should want to climb that wall. You would also have to have been pretty wealthy to afford that kind of iron work, however even on more modest buildings I have seen some amazing ironwork. Very different from the scroll-y stuff there is in Florida and San Francisco.
I am very amazed at the different levels of construction here in the UK, on the one hand they have some very modern buildings and construction methods on the other hand, I've seen guys laying tile on steps of major public building in a very old school way. So, iron work security bars to old school construction methods - you a get a bit of everything with this blog...
Definitely a fine blog. Well, it is the first I have visited, but great fun to see your photos and get a glimpse of your new life.
I guess the ironwork has a smaller environmental footprint than a moat??
whoo hoo - now that you are a blog readers you are offically a member of the digerati - sian
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