It is grey and it rains. This is the view from the top of the 43 bus snaking its way through London. I am testing out all modes of transportation and I discovered that this bus leads to another bus which leads to the RV1 bus, which is THE tourist bus. It takes you from Covent Garden past the BBC "Bush House" (coincidence?) across the river to The London Eye around a couple more spots and ends up at crossing Tower Bridge. It happens to also go quite near my temporary digs. The moral of this tale is sometimes just get on a bus and see where it takes you. and... yes, it rains in London.
siân, i see you've taken up the word "quite" in short order upon your move to the UK...
now if we can just get your pronunciation of "reSEARCH" down you'll be blending right in, yes?
- L.
omg - you are right, I must go back and edit that post! Quite amazing, actually, rath-er. You would be amazed to know that at least 10 people have corrected me on my use of the phrase "cell phone." They also seem rather put off by the fact that I don't call it a "MO-bile." God forbid you pronounce it "mobul." - sian
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