This is Henry! For recollection sake -- check out my last picture of Henry, a couple of weeks before I moved to London! This just shows you how much time has passed and how children grow so quickly and I swear they live in dog years or something -- your remember they get seven years for your every one? I've been grappling with London (its actually been good) he's bee rappling with learning to walk and recognise faces, and learning to laugh and clap. Wow, I guess we've BOTH come a long way in the last 12 months!
Oh, we are so honored to be featured on your blog! words of the week (some translation necessary, bu they are there): outside (ow-si), all done (ah dah), and signs: please (rub your belly in a oh delicious kind of way). I agree, i think kids live in dog years, advancing & absorbing at exponential pace while us adults are barely able to keep up!
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