Sunday, December 03, 2006

Blustery - but not rainy - Sunday

I notice on my clever Google homepage, that the weather in London is not that different from San Francisco. It seems to be in the 50s most of the day here, just like San Francisco. Why, then, does it seem so blustery, sweater-snuggled, hot-drink-needing, curl-up-and-read, and fluffy-sock-wearing here?

In SF, I just threw on my leather jacket and was ready for the weather at all seasons. Here I find I need layers to wrap up/peel off; constantly adjusting my temperature. Today, I have moved around the stuff in the last untouched room in the flat. Nice to know where all my stuff is, I even found that last small bit that I had not been able to find since I moved. Unfortunately even though I carefully pruned my housing stock, I still have too much stuff and find I need to give away/sell more stuff.

I didn't leave the flat todayexcpet to take out trash and recycling. I did wander out into the garden to check out the rest of the real estate. Turns out there is a garden shed back there; but its dark and kind of wet so I'll explore more later - maybe spring.

Anyway, today while I'm re-arranging and hanging pictures and filing papers and getting rid of still more stuff, I decided was the perfect time to roast a turkey. So I did. Actually, it's a turkey breast but still, I finally am getting to have my Thanksgiving turkey only 10 days late -- roasted some veggies, had a nice salad and some Rojo. Bailey would be proud. It is not Thanksgiving but it does make the place smell all holiday-ish.

Speaking of which let us talk of christmas trees. They are disapointingly small here--I stumbled across a tree lot yesterday when out for a stroll. Not one tree was taller than me (I'm just over 5 feet). In fact, I towered over a couple of them. Hmm, so much for a gloriously tall tree in my reception for the first Christmas in London. On the plus side, it will be easy to get back to the flat with out a car!

Hope your Sundays are great, whereever you are.


Anonymous said...

so glad to read about you unpacking and rearranging stuff - our favorite activity. We just got back last night from 10 days in Tennessee - complete with one night of a power outage and lots and lots of good ole southern hospiltality. Henry says hiiiii!!!!! (in southern).

jenifer lake said...

hope you had some cranberries too with that ole turkey! :)

more stuff to give away?? i thought we took it alllll!


Unknown said...

Counter your thoughts with hanging Christmas lights in suburban Florida in 85 degree heat and 90% humidity. Oh the weather outside IS frightful.

My thought is for you to get a small wimpy tree, find friends, stand in a circle around it and frantically wave your arms. According to Charles Shultz, it will turn beautiful before the commerical break.


Iris Mayes said...

what did you do with your car???

Sian said...

Iris - I sold my car to a neighbor