Saturday, December 30, 2006

Sauces in the UK

They really like their sauces here in the UK. This is a small sample of the sauces offered at a local eatery. The big green one is mint sauce. Now I have seen mint sauce only occasionally and only at a house where some one has roasted a lamb, but here you can get mint sauce in a packet.

The next two are mustards-French and English. There is a joke in here about French vs. English but I will leave that up to you to fill in the blanks. Not sure if they have a mustard packet for "trailer-mustard" i.e. yellow mustard. But they do have a packet for "brown sauce"; which is something they put on everything.

What they don't seem to understand is that ketchup is not precious. They will only give you teeny-tiny small cups of ketchup. Of course they will put bucket-loads of mayonnaise on everything. Now I'm just getting crabby so I'll leave the sauce discussion at that.

1 comment:

jenifer lake said...

french mustard? what's that? & tiny smidgens of ketchup? oh however will bob eat his chips with little dabs of ketchup? he requires LOADS of the stuff!