Saturday, December 30, 2006

Merry Christmas - Happy New Year!!

OMG I got on!

It is the Saturday between Christmas and New Year, I have managed to get a library card and accessed the Internet through the Swiss Cottage library; which is fairly local. Still no Internet at home so things are just barely moving along. I never realized how much I did on-line.

Christmas in London was/is very beautiful. I didn't manage to get the tree up until Christmas Day, but the city had plenty of lights to make up for the lack of lights at home. I had two guests (E and J) for the week, so I spent a great deal of time doing tourist-y things. WE took the Big Bus tour, went to Greenwhich, British Library and several other nuseums of note, saw a Boxing Day movie and two plays. Exhausting just thinking about it. We had a great, great time. Lots of photos to be posted in the future.

The sun actually came out for a short while today. First time since the freezing fog that closed down Heathrow in the run up to Christmas. Its been grey but no to cold and no rain until today! Sorry about the weather talk but its what you do in the UK--discuss the weather.

Must get back to the errands I am running today. Its true what they say about London over the holidays, everything shuts down. So today is it for stores being open so I must go out and shop!!


Anonymous said...

we got your christmas package, Henry LOVES the truck. (yes, he is a boy!). we also got your how do I call you...what is your number?? We need contact!
happy new year!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! Love to hear the little details of your new life - I admit I am living vicariously through you! Bundle up, girl, and keep writing. How's the coffee over there?