Picture number one is a red tardis from the science fiction series on BBC, Dr. Who. It stands for Time and Relative Dimensions in Space and its shape is based on some sort of police box. I have no idea what the tie-in with coffee is but it seems to be workingbecasue I saw more than one of these. My Dad (AKA Male Parental Unit) has been a huge Dr. Who fan for years. So this food distribution access point is published for him.
The second picture is of Stoats' Porridge Bar. Another oddity, people in the UK (or in this case specifically Scotland) will stand in line to buy porridge with various toppings. I haven't discovered the difference between porridge (UK) and oatmeal (US); I think it may be the same thing. Its just that in the US, we eat oatmeal ONLY at home and only when its super cold out; here it seems to be considered a tasty treat to be enjoyed by the whole family.