Thursday, March 22, 2007

Train to Scotland

I've headed up to Scotland; Edinburgh to be specific. I have a peer review to participate in on Thursday and a talk to give on Friday then I am staying through Sunday just to soak up the city. It is a planner's dream.

There's the old town: the castle and south--all crazy shapes on hilly forms about a mile long and 400 yards wide according to my guidebook and then there is the new town: a rational planned 18th Century construction north of the castle.

Our office in Edinburgh is at the base of the castle in an old church building, oddly over looking the cemetery where Burke and Hare did their body snatching. Can't wait to see more of the city; but as far as offices go this one is quite scenic!

I decided to take the train which was the right thing to do. It takes about 4 hours but its comfortable, has a table and wireless internet. You can get a lot done in the quiet car of a train! Plus then after three hours the scenery starts to become amazing. It was green green green. and then as you get closer to Edinburgh you start seeing glimpses of water, I assume the Firth. There are some great views of really large estates (too big to be houses - I guess you could call them country houses in the British sense) not castles but BIG brick piles...


Anonymous said...

thanks for the link to Burke and Hare. Excellend cocktail party conversation.

Sian said...

any time, wait until you read about the LOL/Orange Walk