OK I'll admit it, I'm spending way too much time listening to the radio, since I have moved. But frankly the radio here is good. I don't know how I lived such a long portion of my life without BBC Radio 4. I am completely hooked. You know those weird game shows they do on National Public Radio? Well, now I know where they get the ideas from. There's one Saturday morning show called "just a minute" where the whole premise seems to revolve around someone not hesitating or repeating words but speaking on a randomly assigned topic for 60 seconds. Here's the website (http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/comedy/justaminute.shtml)- you can listen on line.

Now the next terribly fascinating thing is Russell Brand. He's this odd fellow who dresses like a Victorian dandy/goth, with a big ratted pouf on the top of his head. He is currently everywhere on TV and radio. Of course he has his own Radio 2 show. Its Saturday nights so I don't normally catch it due to my hyper active social life (cough) so I have to catch the podcasts - which you can do here (http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/shows/brand/biography.shtml)
I have no idea why I am so fascinated by this guy with a very high voice and accompanying London accent, but its sort like watching a train wreck you cannot pull your eyes away (except in this case its your ears; but you know what I mean). Its all weirdly compelling.
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