Saturday, September 30, 2006

Goodbye red cabrio

This morning, after a bath, oil change and fill-up, I parked Big Red for the last time. I've left her to be picked up next week by Ms. Jen, who will no doubt take wonderful care of her and enjoy endless hours of top down cruising. I have enjoyed my second cabrio immensely. She loved it out here in California, lots of sweeping coastal drives and Sonoma back roads.

When LLG visited, we tucked her young girls in the back seat and drove around--enjoying their squeals of delight. It got a bit cooler and they took cover under the Mexican picnic blanket so that only their little legs stuck out. San Francisco is a great place to have a convertible.

So strange, as I took the #22 bus after dropping off my car, I realized that I will only be on buses, trains, taxis and subways for at least the next two years. In London I will be car-less, for the first time since I learned to drive at 16.

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