Sunday, November 05, 2006

November 5

That date probably means nothing to my American friends to but Brits and the British diaspora it means huge bonfires. Since bonfires are not really probable in urban London, it means fireworks. They have been going off all over town for the whole weekend but have reached a crescendo tonight as darkness fell.

Now most folks LOVE fireworks. I have a healthy fear of fireworks -- especially the amateur kind, after an unfortunate incident in the early 90s involving my innocently standing around on a hot July 4th night watching my friend Leigh set off fire works. To this day he says he is sorry he set me on fire; however that doesn't make me like bangs and pops any in my general vicinity. I've gotten much better in the last 10 or so years - at least I'm not keeping the cats company under the bed any more.

They must be shooting them off over the river because the noise is much louder than the local hoddies shooting them off. I've been out to look at them and they are visable all around so its not just one show. It has been booming, banging and flashing since about 5. Now that its getting closer to 10 pm, it is starting to slow down. Well my first Guy Fawks has been survived!

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