Friday, November 03, 2006

Temporary Housing

This is a view of the former Sarson Malt Vinegar Brewery, south of the Tower Bridge at Tanner Road. My temporary apartment is in this complex of open plan offices. It is in an area called Bermondsey, famous for being a dumping ground for "stinking industries" in the 18th and 19th Century. Stinking industries included leather tanning, and the production of other malodorous commodities like vinegar. In the 20th century, the area became a growth area for council housing estates and weirdly a huge antiques market.

The neighborhood is currently achieving a certain amount of regeneration. It well located between the Tower and London bridges and the new city hall is right on the river at the north end of the neighborhood. It contains the usual jumble of gentrification butting up against long term residents of modest means. From a planning perspective, the council housing is not that bad and the block structure is quite fine grained. The older building are warehouses but on a small scale and mostly brick.

Its been an interesting place to live and while I'll miss it, I am looking forward to my swanky new digs in Hampstead. That will be another slice of life entirely.

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